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Welcome to the Lake Baikal Guidebook!

If you are going to make a visit to Siberia, you found the right place to start your journey!

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This new edition of the guide to the world's longest rail journey is packed with practical information on planning the trip and booking tickets. Background information is also included on Siberia's infamous past and the history of the railway. 30 color photos

Hello dear traveller!
We are glad that you came here. You'll find some interesting information about the deepest, purest, oldest, biggest lake in the world. We are working at the development of the ecotourism in the Baikal area since 1990. We have great experience in different fields and we are always ready to share any information you'll need to know about this place. We live near Baikal and we are going to save this beautiful sacred sea.

The Lake Baikal Guidebook team.

News on the site
[ 29 jun ]Added City tours in tours section.
[ 28 feb ] Today is added: Tunkinsky region description with photos. Highlights of Okinsky district - most remoted and pristine part of Buryatia. Description and pics of Munku-Sardyk Mount - the highest peak of Eastern Siberia. Mountaineering in Tunka range
[ 17 feb ]Added: Trekking in the Zabaikalsky National park
[ 12 feb ] Added: Photogallery of Old Believers, Baikal Cruise, Siberia and Mongolia tour. You can also choose and buy any picture from out photoalbums to use it. And Subscribe for our news.
[ 4 feb ] - Now you can subscribe for news of our site. It will be a lot of changes soon.
[ 3 dec ] - A lot of information gathered for this new site, we finally opening it for public, there are some bugs with Netscape browsers, but we'll fix them. And sorry for ours englysh :-)
[ 17 nov ] - Finally Guestbook began to work!
[ 15 nov ] - Added description of ethnographical museum in Ulan Ude
[ 13 nov ] - Added Photogallery of Vladimir Kvashnin
[ 6 nov ] - Added description of Ivolginsky Datsan
[ 26 oct ] - Added photogallery of Andrey Suknev

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